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Flying a drone in Norway? Info on Aerial Filming and Drone Regulation

Rodrigo Braz Vieira

Updated: Aug 25, 2023

In Norway, you are generally allowed to fly in the open category if you are registered as an operator. Norway follows the EU / EASA regulations for drones flight. For further information please visit the Civil Aviation Authority Norway.

Civil Aviation Authority in Norway has also published a useful Guide to Fly Drones Safely in Norway.

Safe to Fly is a useful tool for drone operators - a map service which provides relevant data, such as restricted areas, that may affect your use of drones. Please note that national parks require a special permit for drone operations.

Norway has many excellent pilots and aerial filming specialists, registered and experienced in flying in Norwegian weather conditions and completely aware of the local regulations. Fixer in Oslo works with a series of competent registered Drone Operators throughout the country. Including FPV pilots.

Contact us for a quote.



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